Released On 23rd Jun 2023
Otto's Experience at Justelle
My name is Otto, I was a work experience student at Justelle Marketing I was there for 4 days
My experience at Justelle marketing overall has been very positive, the co-workers are very kind-hearted and funny they showed me everything I came here to learn and they were very successful at helping me learn and were very patient if I didn't understand it or if I did something wrong.
I came to Justelle Marketing to help give me a sense of what an office job in marketing would be like, as I am trying out new experiences for my career path and this was exactly the kind of experience I wanted, hard work in an office, and they take you seriously even if you are a little younger.
I have learned how to add pages to websites and social media posts that pull people to carry on reading your message, how to manage a Facebook account for a large company, and what expectations there are in an office workplace.
I hugely recommend this to anyone looking for a work experience.