Released On 25th May 2023
Holly's Experience at Justelle
I’m Holly a second-year Business student at Yeovil College and I have been doing work experience at Justelle Marketing and Media for two weeks.
Marketing has been something I’ve been passionate about for a while now as I do marketing for my small business “Bondi bee Candles” but doing work experience for Justelle helped solidified this decision for me and has 100% helped further my knowledge of what exactly is expected when working in marketing. Over the course of two weeks, I have gained many skills marketing-related and life skills which will help me in the business world. During my time I have worked with Jo and her amazing team ranging from creating designs for a variety of clients’ social media posts on Canva to improving my literacy skills on how to write in specific ways to grab the attention of the target market reading, also attending meetings with clients whether that was a zoom call or in person.
I was lucky enough to sit in on a meeting between the Yeovil Chambers and the South Somerset council, talking about their future plans for the Somerset area and what they can do to improve. As with all meetings, there was a Q&A after which members of the community who attended could talk about exactly what they would like to see happen and what’s been done to put this plan into action. I’ve always known what networking is but now I completely understand how beneficial and influential it is for an individual but also a business whilst building connections with people I wouldn’t have had the chance to before.
I didn’t think I could be more interested in marketing until I finished my two weeks at Justelle, I left feeling more confident in knowing what I would like to pursue in the future but with a new skill set to best support my marketing journey.