Released On 31st Mar 2023
Alex's Experience at Justelle
I’m Alex, a student from Stanchester. My favourite subject that I study is Computer Science, and I also have a real interest in the sciences – as a triple science student. In my free time, I program various programs both for myself and other people, and additionally manage server deployments remotely.
Whilst on work experience at Justelle, I both learnt and applied many skills. Whilst, yes, some of these skills were solely marketing related – such as writing in a needed tone – the majority were not. I’ve witnessed meetings both in person and over a zoom call – learning the intricacies of each.
In person, I attended a meeting for the Yeovil Chamber of Commerce. The group consisted of members from the chamber’s Hospitality Hub – a support group dedicated to those in the industry of hospitality. At the meeting, there were a few subjects that interested me, primarily the subject of public transport. Yeovil Chamber is trying to have transport links improved around the area of Yeovil. As of now, their attempts have been semi-successful, with the opening of a new bus route linking Yeovil and Taunton. With the opening of the 54 bus being considered a success, their attempts have not ceased.
Over the course of the week, I created and designed numerous posts for different companies – each required to be in a different tone. The best piece of advice that I’ve been given for this is to imagine the owner of the company saying it, ensuring that the tone is correct. Personally, I enjoyed the designing of posts most, but the writing of posts was far from dull. When writing posts, I was ensuring that the tone matched previous posts from the company, whilst also coming across as approachable and easily understandable.
Whilst my primary interest isn’t marketing, my time at Justelle has still been incredibly fruitful when it comes to the experience. I have enjoyed marketing far more than I originally expected to, all thanks to Justelle. Before applying for work experience at Justelle, I tried to apply for a tech company. However, I am immensely glad that I instead applied for a marketing position with Justelle, as without it I would never have even considered a future in marketing. As a Computer Science student, I’m interested in going into Software Architecture in the future, yet a role in marketing is a new contender to this. As of now, I’m torn between future career paths, choosing between software engineering and a position in marketing is borderline impossible.
Now comes the big question; would I recommend doing work experience for Justelle? Yes, I would. Work experience for Justelle has, on the whole, been a super enjoyable experience. From designing, to creating posts, to witnessing the process of finding out exactly what a client wants. If I were to give a piece of advice for work experience at Justelle, I’d definitely say that you should make sure that you can use a photocopier.